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Connect Vb.Net Form with SQL Server Database


Hello Everyone!!!

Want to know how to connect form with SQL Server? Well here a solution along with tried and tested example. After this tutorial you will be able to read and write data to SQL server through your form.

So Lets Start!!!!

This is a Simple task and can be achieved by following these two simple steps.

  • Designing
  • Coding


Create a new project.
Create a Form. Name it as “frm_main”

Now on design it like in the picture below along with proper names.

 Note: The "delete data from database" option is included in Sample project.


Once designing is done Click on form and press F7 or right-click on it and select “View Code”. The Code section will be displayed.
Add the lines on top (before “Public class your form name here”)

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


These are two classes required to make connection between your form and SQL Database.

Once the classes is imported we have to declare some variables which we will use everywhere. So paste this after “Public class your form name here”

    Dim cn As New SqlConnection("Your Connection String Here. If u don’t know how to get connection string and Click here for a Quick Tutorial")
    Dim dr As SqlDataReader
    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand

Your Code Section will be looking something like this

To be Honest this is was one of the hardest parts. Once variables is taken care of

Reading Data from SQL Server and Display it in Form.

Press shift+F7. Form designer will show up. Double click on
“Read” button (original name: READDATA) and paste the following codes.

If emp_id_read.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Please Enter Employe ID")

            Exit Sub
        End If
        If emp_id_read.Text <> "" Then
            Dim query As String = "SELECT * FROM frm_emp where id = '" & emp_id_read.Text & "'"
            cmd = New SqlCommand(query, cn)
            dr = cmd.ExecuteReader
            If dr.HasRows = True Then
                emp_name_read.Text = dr("name")
                emp_dept_read.Text = dr("dept")
            End If
            MsgBox("INVALID Emplyee ID ")

        End If


Well most of the above code is self explanatory. Like first we checked if “emp_id_read” is blank or not. I have used two different methods above to check if textbox is empty or not.
After that we have closed connection for safety and then opened it again. This is very important. If the connection is not opened then your form will not be able to establish contact with Sql Server. Then I have given “query” (that is a string) a value which actually is a command of Sql server to select everything from a table.
Next we pass “query” value along with connection (which we have declared in the starting as “cn” so we don’t have to write connection string over and over again) to “cmd” (which also we have declared in the starting as “sqlcommand”)

Then we execute query but we are expecting some thing in return this time so we use
and whatever is in “cmd” is passed to “dr” (which again we have declared in the starting as “datareader” whose job is to read data of course) and we check if “dr” have any rows in it and then we put values from datareader to form. I have “name” and “dept” column in my database. So I find it in “datareader” and assigned there values to textbox.
In Short you can now read data from Sql database and display it in form.

Writing Data to Sql Server through Form.

Go To Designer view and double click on “Write” (original name: “Write”) and paste this in it.

            cmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tablenamehere (id,name,dept) values(" + emp_id_write.Text + ",'" + emp_name_write.Text + "','" + emp_dept_write.Text + "')", cn)


Just like before, We have closed and opened connection but this time I have passed value (Which is a command in sql to insert data in form) directly to “cmd” values along with connection “cn” in the end. In the above query the “id,name,dept” are names of columns in my table of sql database. In the Reading data method I have used “cmd.executereader” but here I have used “cmd.executenonquery” because this time I am not expecting something in return. After that I have closed the connection and displayed a Message (which is saved).

Now You can are able to write data from your form to SQl database.

After following complete above procedure your code section will look something like this.

How to Get Connection String of Sql Server for Vb.Net


How to Get Connection String of Sql Server for Vb.Net

What is Connection String?

Connection string is the address you provide to your form so it can communicate with SQL Server.

How to Get Connection String”

There are two ways.
  • 1st Method (Easy but long)
  • 2nd Method (Short and Easy)

First I will tell you the way I find easy.

1st Method (Easy but long).

  • Open notepad
  • Do not write anything in it. Just save it blank anywhere.
  • When saving it select “All Files” from “save as type” dropdown box.
  • In the end of your filename add “.UDL”(dot U+D+L).

It will look like this.

The right-click on the file and select “Open-with”
Select “Microsoft Data Access. OLE DB Core Service”

A Window will show up. Go to “Provider” tab and Select “Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server”. 

Then Click on Next. You will be switched to “Connection” Tab. In “Select or enter a server name” enter your Database complete name. Click on “Use Windows NT Integrated Security” if you use integrated security. But if you use password. The select the second option and enter password. Now finally select database from “Select the database on the server” you want to use.

Click on test connection. A message will Appear of you success. Click on Ok and open the same file (Any Name.UDL) with notepad. Find these word "Integrated Security=”. From the word Integrated copy whole line till the end. It will be something like this

"Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=Sample Database app By SH3HAN;Data Source=SH3HAN\SH3HAN"

Paste it in your coding section as your connection String.
That’s it!!

2nd Method (Short and Easy).

Just Remember this Line for server with windows integrated security (without password).

"Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=datbase name here;Data Source=server name here"

And you are done.

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