Apply Icon To Usb By SH3H@N

Apply Icon to USB by SH3H@N

"Apply Icon to USB by SH3H@N" is a small, handy tool that allows you to customize the look of your USB or any phone memory card. By giving it a unique name and icon

* Installation
* How to Use


Non- required. It is a stand alone application.

How to Use

1 Open "Apply Icon to USB by SH3H@N.exe" file.
2 Enter the name new name of your USB.
3 Select your USB device
4 Select the icon file (.ico) that you want to be displayed as your USB icon.
5 Click on "Apply"
6 That all! Remove the USB device and plug-it in again. To see the changes you have made
Please note that some times PC continuously shows the old icon to tackle this situation
Simply Log-off from current account and then back-in or restart you pc.


That's it. Enjoy
This tool and all of its resources are made By Shehan Abid. And is first published on:
All Rights reserved.
Registered: 2013-01-27 14:59:05 UTC

For More information
Shehan Abid


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